
Kylie Ora Lobell is an award-winning writer, marketer, and publicist who works with Jewish organizations, businesses, and influencers to tell their unique stories and boost their image in the media and beyond.
She runs KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing, publicity, and ghostwriting company for Jewish organizations, businesses, and influencers. She’s placed her clients in outlets like “Real Time with Bill Maher,” The Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, Newsweek, and many other prominent publications, radio shows, podcasts, and TV programs.
Kylie has managed teams with multimillion dollar budgets, worked with prominent celebrities, written for Forbes 500 companies, and appeared in a number of prestigious publications. Her writing has appeared in Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, New York Magazine, the Jewish Journal, Aish, Chabad, Tablet Magazine, and Los Angeles Magazine. She’s currently writing an inspiring memoir about her conversion to Orthodox Judaism.
In 2022, Kylie won first place in the American Jewish Press Association’s David Frank Award for Excellence in the Personality Profile category for her cover story about Mayim Bialik titled, “Mayim Bialik: Keeping Her Cool in Hollywood.” She also won an Institute for Jewish Creativity Announces Word 2022: Bruce Geller Memorial Prize from American Jewish University, and she attended Tent: Journalism, hosted by Tablet Magazine in New York City.
She lives in Los Angeles, is married to podcaster and comic book creator Daniel Lobell, and is a proud mama to two girls, two dogs, three chickens, a cockatiel, and two tortoises.
Essentially, she runs a farm. And oh yeah, she really likes iced coffee and the color pink. Can you tell?